2015 Easter Sunrise Service

Useppa’s Easter Sunrise Service

Story byUseppa Gin, Photos by Useppa Gin and Island Annah

In a tradition that goes back 30 years, Useppa began its celebration of Easter with an Ecumenical beachside sunrise service.  Hymns, readings, a sermon, a handshake of peace, and a communion of friends took place while the sun rose in the eastern sky.  At the end, a benediction was read brought to Useppa by the Stockers from their small Colorado church.

Life is short

And we do not have much time to gladden the hearts of those who make this pilgrimage with us,

So, be swift to love,

Make haste to do kindness,

Shower abundant hospitality on friend and stranger,

Walk in justice,

That you may follow the path of mercy and love,

And the Blessing of God


Almost Easter

Almost Easter

Story and Photographs by Useppa Gin

It’s that busy time of year on Useppa.  Almost Easter and Spring Breaks are in full swing.

Boys on the island built a chess piece and palm frond fort.  At Useppa’s southern tip, fresh flowers, new notes and creative trinkets are the personal signatures left behind by visitors to the grotto tucked under the mangroves.  Bill Marquardt, Director of the Randell Center across the water, and his partner from the University of Florida, fellow archaeologist Karen Walker stopped by for an Open House at the Coyles’ home.  Islanders dropped in to hear the latest in Randell news and learn more about Karen’s latest discoveries in Useppa digs.

The pool is filled with all ages, the Butterfly Garden spruced up with new plants, the Marina busy, fishing guides booked, and families everywhere.  And Easter is only days away.

2015 Museum Fundraiser II

Museum Fundraiser Realizes Over $90,000 Net After Expense

Written by Bob Stevens, photos by Useppa Gin

The Museum Fundraiser was a thumping success for everyone — those who came enjoyed a delightful dinner and auction, and the Museum benefited enormously from the professional auctioneer’s work.  As you can see from the looks on faces, everyone had a good time.

Thanks to all for your generous support once again of the Barbara Sumwalt Museum.

2015 Museum Fundraiser Part 1

2015 Museum Fundraiser Part 1

Story by Bob Stevens, photos by Useppa Gin

The Useppa Island Historical Society’s Fundraiser was just a delightful dinner party for the 79 men and women who attended.  The evening was magical – the black and white motif with all the chairs wrapped in white, with black bows, the black and white tablecloths, and the beautiful silk orchids in the center of the tables set the stage.  Everyone joined with enthusiasm, dressed as they would have been in 1935.  The men were in black tie, many with white dinner jackets, and some in “cruise wear.”  The ladies came in beautiful dresses, some with hats, and a few in seashore summertime outfits – baggy pants and tops with square shoulders, all in the spirit of the 30’s.

2015 McMahon Regatta Awards

McMahon 2015 Regatta Awards Dinner

Story and photography by Useppa Gin

On Saturday night, March 14th awards were given at a dinner on the beach celebrating this year’s winners in the Annual Useppa Island Yacht Club McMahon Regatta.  Once a year Marshall Cats race each other for the Island Championship, bragging rights, and the privilege of carrying on a tradition in honor of UIC’s first Commodore Jack McMahon.

The competition is real, but more importantly, so was the fellowship and good-natured humor.  The weather was a bit windy for some, but those who finished, all who sailed, and those cheering from the shore had a great day.  Purrfect 4U skippered by Bill Welch and Sherry Welch as crew won the event.  Ed King in Coot with Jane Ridolphi as crew came in second.  Third was Spirit UB with Paul Beisswenger at the helm and Dave Merrill crew.  Fourth was Little 7Up captained by Ray George and Tony Colgan crew, and Fifth was Osprey U23, Captain Walt Corbin and crew Jim Doherty.  Jack McMahon would be proud of all the sailors and those onshore preparing lunch and dinner, but he would be particularly proud of his wife Pat….she’s quite a lady.

2015 McMahon Regatta Part 1

Useppa Island Yacht Club’s McMahon Regatta and More

by Bob Stevens, Race Committee Head

The Useppa Yacht Club, which has been in existence for many years now, has only two things, a Commodore, Jim Doherty, and a burgee: a palm tree on a white background with “UYC” inscribed.  The Club has no by-laws, no meetings, no dues, and a very impressive history of dealing with RULE 2, which is: “If you suggest it, you do it.”

Because of RULE 2,we do sail every Saturday morning on Pine Island Sound, with sometimes 11 or 12 Sandpipers on the water.  We sail three races, then hurry in to Bill’s Grill (named after Bill Newbold, who suggested lunch on the beach years ago and got it started), a fabulous hot dog, hamburger, and all the fixin’s lunch on the beach provided to us by Kay Chapin and her crew of volunteers.

We hold an annual Club Championship regatta, the Jack McMahon Regatta, named after our first and beloved Commodore, Jack McMahon, who lived on Useppa Island for many years with his wife Pat.  Pat was at the McMahon Regatta on March 14, which was won by Bill Welch who was sailing with his wife Sherry.

Every other year Mike Albert organizes a Catboat Rendezvous, and we hold, at the same time, the Sandpiper “Worlds” right here on Useppa Island.  Lots of fun for us all.