Memorial Day Weekend 2018 Part I

Memorial Day Weekend on Useppa Part 1 – Pictures and thoughts by UseppaGin – The weather was iffy, the tides were high, and the rain was heavy, but life on Useppa was fun anyway. Happy Hour Friday Night at the Tarpon Bar gave old and new residents a chance to visit. It gave guests a chance to meet islanders. Fishermen made new friends. Couples met for the first time or renewed old acquaintances. Saturday the music played inside the Tarpon Bar not poolside, but it didn’t matter. Dinners at the Collier went on as scheduled. Rain gear was just left by the door. Living on or visiting an island requires flexibility. It’s one of the reasons we love Useppa.

Mother’s Day 2018

The Useppa Family: Mother’s Day and More – Words and pictures by UseppaGin – Useppa is a family and in the last week an upcoming wedding was celebrated, employees were busy caretaking the island, and the traditional Mother’s Day Brunch was served at the Collier Inn. Useppans nurture this magic place and cherish each other. How lucky we all are to be part of a lineage going back 10,000 years.

Derby Days 2018

Justifiably a Good Time – Words and pictures by UseppaGin – Derby Day on Useppa has become a tradition. Fashionable hats on beautiful women, dapper gentlemen, and mischievous children fill the Tarpon Bar to watch the Kentucky Derby. A prize is awarded for the most beautiful hat and a winning raffle ticket drawn. The summer season on Useppa has officially begun.

Useppa Celebrates Family

Useppa Celebrates Family – Thoughts and photos by UseppaGin – A surprise proposal at the North End Gazebo, good-byes until next fall at the dock, waves from boats pulling away, family visits, and Wednesday Fried Chicken Night at the Collier… the cycles of island life continue. Shutters close down, last hugs, and some leave for their northern worlds. Others host their northern families for a southern visit. A young man chooses a spot to propose, his future wife surprised, kinfolk hidden until the deed is done, and it’s time to pour the champagne. Useppa is about families, whatever the time of year.

Hot Off the Presses

Hot Off the Presses – Thoughts and Photos by UseppaGin – A new edition of the Useppa Chronicle will be in the mail this week, but a few Islanders got a sneak peek over the weekend. Happy Hour on Friday at the Tarpon Bar, a last sail for the season, lunch on the patio, new visitors and old friends – just some more reasons to be part of the Useppa community.

A Little of This, A Little of That

A Little of This, A Little of That – Words and Pictures by UseppaGin – A children’s Izaak Walton Fishing Tournament, Easter brunch at the Collier Inn, swimming in the pool, a Museum trip to the Everglades with people from the Everglades Foundation, an Osprey family, good-byes on the dock, and more, are pieces in the tapestry of Spring on Useppa.

Easter Eggs and Bunny 2018

Bunnies and Eggs on Useppa – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – A little toddler was playing in the Collier pool when the Easter Bunny walked by on its way for the Useppa Easter Egg Hunt. The tiny girl had never seen anything like the big white rabbit, and at first, she was a bit hesitant. But the Bunny stopped and gently reached out. Soon the two were friends and snuggled into each other in a hug. Easter on Useppa is like that. Bunches of kids chased each other looking for eggs. The smallest children found theirs on the croquet lawn. The older kids went further down the hill. The Bunny smiled for pictures with everyone. Something about being on an island brings out the best in all of us.

Easter Sunrise Service 2018

Easter Sunrise and Community – Pictures and thoughts by UseppaGin – Before the sun even rises, islanders find their way to the beach. Some sit in golf carts, some on folding chairs in front of the gazebo. In waning darkness, we wait. he gentle music of familiar hymns, hushed greetings, conversations, and welcoming hugs, mark the beginning of Easter on Useppa. We gather in the spirit of community. For thirty-eight years, as the sun rises,
grandparents, parents, children, neighbors, friends, and visitors have celebrated the gift of Useppa, the gifts we are in each other’s lives.

Useppa Fire Department Fundraiser 2018 Part II

A Flaming Success, Useppa Fire Department Fundraiser Part II – Thoughts and photos by UseppaGin – Fire dancing at the Collier Inn Pool by Radiant Illusions set the stage for the second half of the night. People watched fascinated by fire twirling and juggling. A DJ kept everyone dancing. Chef Ryan and the Collier staff served a magnificent dinner. Raffle winners celebrated a new kayak, a woman’s bike and more. Boston Red Sox tickets, artwork, boat trips with Captain Dane, nights at the Tarpon Lodge, a formal ladies tea, cookies by the Cookie Brigade were just some of the items in the Silent Auction. No one went home without smiling. Once again, the Fire Department threw a great party.

Fire Department Fund Raiser 2018 Part I

Fire and Ice: The 2018 Useppa Fire Department Fund Raiser Part I – pictures and words by UseppaGin – Good food, good music, good friends and a good cause sum up the part Saturday night, March 24th on the Collier Inn patio. A raffle and silent auction, dancing under the twinkling lights, cocktails and dinner showed Islanders’ and visitors’ support of the Useppa Fire Department.