The Dedication of the Useppa Museum Miller Room

Dedication of the Useppa Museum Miller Room – Thoughts and pictures by UseppaGin – On Saturday night, November 24th Island neighbors and friends gathered in the Barbara Sumwalt Museum to dedicate the Miller Room. It was a chance to both honor the memory of Paul F. Miller Jr and to celebrate all he and Warren Miller have done for Useppa’s Museum and the Useppa Island Historical Society. Last year’s Museum Fundraiser paid tribute to both Paul and Warren, and the money raised enabled this year’s interior redesign to accommodate larger crowds attending Museum events. Because of Paul and Warren’s stewardship, the voluntary contribution of architectural design advice, the physical sweat equity of hard working men and women, the Museum Board, its Director Rona Stage and The Useppa Island Club, the Barbara Sumwalt Museum is both a place to learn Useppa history and to gather together as an island community.

Thanksgiving on Useppa 2018

Thanksgiving on Useppa 2018 – Thoughts and pictures by UseppaGin – Thanksgiving on the Island begins on Wednesday when the Cookie Brigade bakes chocolate chip cookies and draws pictures for the men and women who take care of Useppa. This year the children’s good deeds were rewarded when Deputy Fire Chief Chris let them play with a hoses at the Firehouse. On Thursday all ages played in the pool, walked the beach, visited with friends, walked pets and enjoyed Island life. The Collier Inn served a traditional Thanksgiving meal, and the hospitality of its staff made all of us feel welcome. Dinner was delicious. On Useppa we are all a family.

Members Cocktail Party Part II

Useppa Members Welcome Back Party Part II – Pictures and thoughts by UseppaGin – The smiles were genuine, the fellowship real at the Useppa Island Club Members Welcome Back Party. Summer was rough this year in Florida. For year-rounders to be able to gather outside with friends old and new was especially meaningful. We don’t take island life for granted. For seasonal residents just being back on Useppa was cause for celebration. Thank you to Useppa Island Club Management and Staff for a great evening.

Members Cocktail Party Part I

Useppa Island Members Cocktail Party Part I – Pictures and thoughts by UseppaGin – It was the best Members Party in recent memory. The setting both across the new Collier Patio and inside the Inn was perfect. Gourmet stations with appetizers and dishes tempted and satisfied every palette. New and long-time Members mixed sharing family and Island stories. The Collier staff seemed to enjoy it as much as their guests. The evening ended with everyone smiling.

Veterans Day and More

Veterans Day and More – Words and Pictures by UseppaGin – On Useppa we celebrate Veterans Day with the quiet raising of flags in honor and memory of the men and women who served and are serving now in our country’s military. Thank you to each of them and to their families. We enjoy our freedom because of you.

Happy Halloween!

Halloween and More on Useppa – words and photos by UseppaGin – From the TV weatherman interviewing a visiting star at Halloween’s Happy Hour to the completion of the new pool and Collier patio, a rebuilt Bill’s Grille, Island family visits and reunions; life on Useppa has been busy. Costumed members and guests gathered on Friday night in the Tarpon Bar. Over the weekend the first dives celebrated a reopened pool, and lunches were served again on the patio. Boats from the Field Club from Sarasota docked at the Marina. People played croquet. Another Useppa season is underway.

A Time to Explore

New Friends, The Lady Chadwick, The Collier Inn, & the Barbara Sumwalt Museum – words and photos by UseppaGin – The Lady Chadwick was back in service after an eight-week boat yard project. The Barbara Sumwalt Museum was still undergoing a remodel, but open for this unique group. The Collier Inn hosted a special buffet luncheon. The Island pool and patio area were closed and blocked off for reconstruction. The logistics of getting from the Collier to the Museum confusing and circuitous. BUT…. The Sandollars of Naples were welcomed by all. Our visitors and their good humor made the day fun for everyone. It was like the first day of school – high levels of enthusiasm, and if something went wrong, everyone just grinned and readjusted. Golf carts and their drivers were requisitioned to avoid the added distance and stairs between the Collier Inn and the Museum. Men and women who needed extra help maneuvering smiled cheerfully and accepted a ride. Everyone was patient and in a good mood. After a long hot summer with few visitors, Red Tide, and reconstruction; the first guests of a new season were welcomed by all of us on Useppa. According to its website, Sandollars of Naples was formed to provide a social and informative setting in which lasting friendships can be built and nurtured. When the Sandollars re-boarded the Lady Chadwick to head back to Sanibel, we waved good-bye to each other. New friendships had begun begun.

Island Walkabout Fall 2018

Island Walkabout – Words and photos by UseppaGin – Blue skies above, blue waters below, birds everywhere, a long sandy beach waiting for children. Useppa is back to the Island we love. The pool and patio are still under reconstruction, but that means parties happen inside the Collier Inn or down at the Marina’s Tarpon Bar. Welcoming hugs on the dock, grandfathers and grandchildren in golf carts, sunrises savored with a cup of coffee, sunsets toasted with a cold drink. Island life continues.

The Quiet Time of Year

The Quiet Time – Pictures and Words by UseppaGin – This is the peaceful time of year on Useppa. A few members and friends stop by for a visit, but mainland Islanders are getting back into their fall routines, and winter residents are enjoying their northern falls before heading south. There are only a few of us here to watch the season’s last rainbow-colored sunsets. Captain Dane is leaving us to follow a different path, and while good-byes are hard, Dane is off to new adventures leaving only good memories behind. New Captains Randy and Kevin are already part of the Useppa family. The Collier patio and pool will be closed for October for needed work and the Museum is still undergoing remodeling. The Collier Inn is open, and the Tarpon Bar at the Marina’s edge will have new hours beginning October 19th. Boxed lunches are available through the Joseffa Boutique. This time of year, it’s almost as though the ancient spirits have retaken the island and we are their guests.

Last Days of Summer, 1st Days of Fall

The End of an Island Summer & the Beginning of Fall – Photos and words by UseppaGin – Useppa slides gently from summer into fall with a renewal of wedding vows on a Village dock, friends on their boats in the Marina, lunch at the Collier, pool time, and two little puppies looking for a home. Island life is a gift.