Employee Christmas 2019

Support Useppa Island Employee Christmas Fund – Thoughts and photos by UseppaGin – The annual Useppa Employee Christmas Party is next week. A Christmas tree will be decorated with envelope ornaments holding cash or gift cards awarded in a raffle. Pins will be given to longtime employees signifying the years they have been part of Useppa. The Annual Christmas Fund will be distributed based on employment seniority to all except senior management. It’s a celebration of the holidays and the men and women who work so hard nurturing and caring for the island we love. If you are a Useppa Member, if you are a resident like I am, give from your heart and give generously. We couldn’t be here without Useppa’s employees.

Cotton Club at Thanksgiving 2019

Cotton Club Magic – Thoughts and photos by UseppaGin – Kaleidogroove joined Useppa’s musical spirits of the ages on Thanksgiving Friday night. The six member band featuring lead singer Kara Nally had everyone dancing. Couples old and young were spinning and twirling. There was a chemistry in the air that will last until the next notes sound when the Cotton Club reopens in the Tarpon Bar, Saturday the 28th of December.

Kids Thanksgiving Izaak Walton Tournament

Kids Thanksgiving Izaak Walton Catch and Release Fishing Tournament – Photos and thoughts by UseppaGin – Six anglers caught nineteen fish in one hour during the Kids Izaak Walton Thanksgiving Tournament. Snook, Redfish Sheepshead, Snapper, Grouper and Pin Fish were all represented in the tally. Thanks to Captain Ken, his assistant, the Island’s best fisherman Kyle Corey, and Miss Lisa for making it happen.

Thanksgiving 2019 Part II

Island Holidays – Thoughts and photos by UseppaGin – The weather was picture-perfect. Boats started arriving in the morning and kept coming all day. The Useppa Marina was filled with families and friends coming to visit the Island. The Captains made it look easy by directing the traffic, helping people tie up, giving advice and direction to all needing assistance. Island hospitality begins on the dock.

Thanksgiving 2019

Useppa Thanksgiving – Thoughts and photos by UseppaGin – It was a peaceful Thanksgiving on the Island. Families took their time over turkey dinner at the old Collier Inn. Some chose to dine inside. Others sat on the patio savoring soft warm breezes. Children swam. Grownups sipped a glass or two of chilled wine. The staff graciously and professionally made us all feel at home.

Members Welcome Back Party 2019 Part II

Welcome Back II – Pictures and thoughts by UseppaGin – Members, Guests and Island Staff Members enjoyed the night. It was the 2019 Annual Useppa Members Welcome Back Party, and everyone had fun. New Members and new employees discovered that reception into the Useppa community requires only a smile. Oldtimers renewed friendships and began new ones. It was an easy night to feel at home.

Members Welcome Back 2019

Welcome Back to Useppa – Thoughts and photos by UseppaGin – We missed you. Saturday Night was the Annual Useppa Island Club Members Welcome Back Party. Saxophone music in the old Tarpon Bar set the stage. Delicious trays of hors d’oeuvres were passed about. Conversations between old and new friends went on in every room, and on the patio beyond. Fine wines were poured, drinks were served. Food tables offered selections of fruits, cheeses, Beef Wellington appetizers, and more. It was a night of smiles, and the beginning of another season.

Veterans Day 2019

Veterans Day Weekend On Useppa – Thoughts and pictures by UseppaGin – It was a quiet Veterans Day on the island this year, a peaceful gathering of families and friends grateful for the serenity Useppa offers in a too busy world. Seasonal residents are returning, local families came by boat and relaxed by the pool. Happy Hour was a mixture of cocktails and people. Useppa welcomed everyone.

Halloween 2019

Halloween Fun – Thoughts and words by UseppaGin – The Island family gathered in the Tarpon Bar on November 1st to celebrate Halloween and the beginning of another season. Almost everyone back on Useppa stopped by and reconnected with old friends, met new neighbors, and weekend guests. The Collier staff outdid itself with a delicious buffet and prize winning costumes. The band was great. The party was just one more reason we are lucky to live on Island Time… even for a night.

Fall, Fun, and Frolic 2019

A Bird, Bees, Boys, Bocce and More – Pictures and thoughts by UseppaGin – A sea gull by the water’s edge couldn’t move. A beehive in an Island home needed to be moved. Family and friends played games of bocce, and the battery died while a boy ran his three wheeler down the beach. The bird was found Tuesday and rescued by Islanders then taken by “Pet Taxi” to rehab. A beekeeper working with a Useppa contractor and his son Saturday captured the queen and her consorts then gently moved the community to join other buzzing hives on the old air strip. Friday night Happy Hour hosted buzzing Useppans talking about their summers. The pool on Saturday and Sunday was filled with members and guests. Bocce games were played all day. A boy whose three wheeler died was helped by the man taking care of the beach. Members of the Useppa Fire Department oversaw everything and helped when needed. Good-byes were said as friends and family said good-byes. Fall fun and frolic on Useppa.