Labor Day Kids Fishing Tournament 2020

A Useppa Holiday and Kids Fishing: The Two Go Together – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – It was a small Kids Izaak Walton Tournament on Labor Day Weekend, and sometimes those are the most fun. The young anglers relax. There is no pressure on them or their helping grownups. Each catch is celebrated, measured, and released safely back into the water. Thanks to Captain Ken, Miss Lisa and Kyle Corey. The Useppa tradition of introducing kids to the fun of fishing continues.

Labor Day Thank You

Thank You to Those Who Care for Useppa – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – On Labor Day it is only appropriate to say thank you to all the men and women who take care of Useppa. Whether your job is in construction, service, landscaping, hospitality, clerical, dining, the Marina or the Island Shore Port…. without you there would be no Useppa Island Club. You take care of our homes, dock our boats, fix our golf carts, tend our yards, serve us dinner, keep the water running, protect us from fires, and so much more. We couldn’t be here without you. Thank you.

Summer Ends

Summer’s Quiet Ending on Useppa – Pictures and Thoughts by UseppaGin – Families and friends enjoyed lunch on the Collier patio, a dip in the pool, a walk on the beach. A homeless dog found a place of belonging. A new puppy made his first visit to Useppa. New homeowners explored the Island making discoveries and meeting neighbors with each stop. Soft skies between rain showers, comfortable conversations…. A confusing COVID summer comes to an end with shared gratitude for the peace of Useppa.

Goodbye Raul and Brenda

Useppa Family Members Leave Home – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – Useppa Island recently said good-bye to two of its hard working staff members. Brenda Perez and Raul Huerta are off to new careers and new challenges. Brenda was part of our Housekeeping Department and Raul was behind the Front Desk. They both always wore a smile no matter how long the day, no matter how heavy the workload. During the Pandemic, Brenda treated every surface with respect and a good hard scrub. No germs had a chance with Brenda. Now she will work as a Medical Assistant. Moving luggage, rescuing injured birds, answering the Island phone, and so much more, Raul did it all. Raul is related to many of the Useppa staff. They will miss him as much as the rest of us as he begins a new life in Jacksonville. Some of these pictures were taken at their Useppa Farewell Party. Some were taken over the years. Brenda and Raul…. Good luck and thank you from your Useppa family.

Summer Visitors

Summer Visitors Discover Useppa – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – Visiting friends and families were on the Island this week. Some have been here before, but for others, it was their first time to tie up at the Main Dock, walk the Pink Path, enjoy a leisurely meal at the Collier or on the Patio, swim in the pool, play in the water. All shared a respect for Useppa’s history, and for its gift of a safe place to be during uncertain times.

Lazy Summer Days

Lazy August Summer Days – Pictures and thoughts by UseppaGin – It’s a quiet summer on the Island. Families gather together in the pool, down by the swing set, fishing from a dock. There is a sense of gratitude among those lucky enough to be on Useppa for a day, for a vacation. Lunch on the Collier patio is never rushed. The spaces between tables encourage leisurely conversation between friends, between generations. Wednesday Family Night Fried Chicken is just that. This year more than ever it is a gift to be part of Useppa. Thank you to all who make it safe and possible.

The Castellanos’

Useppa’s Doctor C is Gone – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – Ron Castellanos, Useppa’s Doctor C, died Saturday after a lengthy illness. He and his wife Cindy who died in April were long time Island residents and supporters. Ron drove his golf cart from one end of the island to the other with a wave and a smile for everyone while he made house calls, offering medical advice and friendship. His formal practice was in Cape Coral as a urologist, and his connections vast in the mainland medical community. He knew who to see whatever the problem and he made it happen for people on and off Useppa. Short on cash? No problem. Dr C accepted payment in fresh caught fish. Ron made each of us feel as though we were his best friend, and his heart was big enough to make that true. Useppa is a better place because of Ron. We will miss him and Cindy. Now it is our turn to take care of each other.

Nature’s Magic

Nature’s Magic – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – There is a timelessness about Useppa. In the ten thousand years people have lived here, different languages were spoken, different faces of man walked its length, fished from its shore, celebrated lives, mourned deaths. These are pictures of a place, some timeless, some recognizable, but all reasons we, its most recent inhabitants and visitors, love the island.

Fourth of July 2020 Part II

Izaak Walton Kids Fishing and Useppa 4th of July II – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – On Saturday morning a few brave young anglers fished in the 4th of July Useppa Kids Izaak Walton Tournament. Captain Ken administered the Oath and three teenage fishermen volunteered to help bait hooks and measure the catch. There was music at the pool on Saturday and Sunday. The Collier served meals inside and out making sure everyone stayed safe. Members and guests came and went over the weekend enjoying Island fresh air and hospitality. It was a time to celebrate but also a time to give thanks, to be grateful for our good fortune.

Fourth of July 2020 Part I

Useppa 4th of July Part I – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – It was a different celebration this year. Families came to the Island grateful for the chance to enjoy a weekend together. One large group COVID tested before gathering to make sure they were all okay. A boating member and COVID survivor saw her time on Useppa in a new way … a gift. Restaurant employees wore masks and cautious Islanders did too. The pictures show good times. Lunch on the Collier Patio, pool time fun. Hopefully everyone will stay well.