Labor Day 2021

Thank You Useppa Employees – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – Labor Day on Useppa was business as usual for Island employees. Landscaping worked on the North End. Housekeeping cleaned rental units. The Service Department had men on the dock loading and unloading. Other necessary work was done behind the scenes. Trash was picked up. In the Marina boats were sent off or tied up. Launches ran all day. Without our loyal employees, life on Useppa would be impossible. Thank you from the guests and members here for the weekend. Thank you from those of us lucky enough to call Useppa home. You have earned our respect. We admire your integrity and honor your work ethic.

Friends and Family 2021

Families and Fun – Pictures and Thoughts by UseppaGin – Useppa doesn’t take for granted how lucky we are to be an island where families and friends can gather in these troubled times. Smiling faces look at the camera but masks are nearby and worn when appropriate. Reunions are gifts. A father can hug his son. Girlfriends can hang out together. Staff members work together and stay safe. In one picture it even looks like a helicopter is wearing a mask, but upon take off, with plenty of air space, it was no longer necessary.

Summer Quiet 2021

Island Summer Quiet – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – A small wedding celebrated Island memories remembering a friend here in spirit. Old friends visited. Families spent the weekend together. Useppans helped each other through health and COVID worries. Nature’s vibrant blue-sky days and paintbrush sunsets were gifts. In a time of uncertainty, Useppa offers peace and serenity.

Summer 2021

Signs of Island Summer – Pictures and Thoughts by UseppaGin – Walking the island, reading a good book by the pool (sometimes staying awake), lunch on the Collier Patio, comings and goings in the Marina, families sharing jet ski beach time, an engagement, a celebration of the lives of Dr C and Cindy Castellanos…. Useppa summers are something to savor. Like the names of Useppa cottages, some signs can be read. Other signs are more subtle, but smiles give them away.

Life on the Dock

Life on the Dock, Fishing, and More – Thoughts and pictures by UseppaGin – Summer life on the Useppa docks has its own rhythms. People arrive by boat and tie up with the advice and help of Marina Captains. Groceries and packages are unloaded. Folks come and go on the Island launch. And over the 4th Weekend for the first time, there was an all-girl Kids Izaak Walton Fishing Tournament. Tropical Storm Elsa discouraged some families from coming to Useppa, but it didn’t deter four girls from throwing a line, waiting patiently for a bite, and determinedly reeling in a catch. Tournament veteran Kyle Corey administered the Fisherman’s Oath, his mentor captain Ken by his side. Each angler learned more about fishing and her confidence grew. Sometimes large numbers are fun, but there was something special about just four girls on the dock.

Father’s Day on Useppa

Useppa Father’s Day Weekend – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – Old and new Useppa families gathered on the island to celebrate Father’s Day. One group has been part of Useppa for three generations. One bought a home last spring. Another sold their house but continue the tradition of Father’s Day lunch on the Collier Patio. Each of those fathers and every other island father was wearing that Useppa smile – one of gratitude and happiness. Whether teaching a little one to swim, catch a fish, ride a golf cart, run a boat … Useppa Father’s Day rituals continue.

Mid June 2021

Island Serenity and Fun – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – Mid-June is a quiet time of year on Useppa between holidays and before summer hurricane worries. Faces have peacefulness behind smiles. Children play in the pool without having to share it with too many grownups. Happy Hours are like family gatherings. Members visiting and year-round Islanders spend time together watching a sunset, lunching on the Collier Patio. It’s the soft period on Useppa. Quiet rhythms shape a day.

Memorial Day 2021

Useppa Celebrates Memorial Day – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – Old and new Useppa Members gathered on the island to celebrate Memorial Day Weekend. A band played Sunday at the pool. Breakfast, lunch and dinners were served in the Tarpon Bar, on the Collier Inn Patio and in the Collier Dining Room adding to the festivities. Families and friends honored High School graduates with picnics, parties, fishing, and trips to Cayo Costa’s beach. In the background, flags reminded everyone the solemn reason for the holiday. Behind smiles there was also reverence for all those who gave their lives for our country.

Izaak Walton Kids Fishing Tournament 2021

Useppa Memorial Day Izaak Walton Kids Fishing Tournament – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – Twelve young anglers caught almost thirty fish in Useppa’s Memorial Day Kids Izaak Walton Fishing Tournament. Youngsters from ages two to twelve reeled in Snappers, Catfish, Jacks, and one 21” Grouper. Captain Kyle fished the Tournament when he was a boy. He just graduated from High School, and this year he ran the event. Each angler stood on their left foot and raised their right hand to repeat the Fisherman’s Oath to have fun, help their fellow fisherman if needed, and release unharmed each catch. Two-year-old Henry reeled in the First Fish all by himself, and the fun began. One hour later smiling and exhausted anglers proudly accepted their rewards. Trophies and/or medals were given to all participants. Thanks to Captain Kyle, Record Keeper Miss Jaclyn, and the Izaak Walton Club for making it happen.

Goodbye Maria 2021

Good-bye Maria – Pictures and Thoughts by UseppaGin – After twenty years Useppa says good-bye to Maria Ortiz. A celebration of her two decades in the Housekeeping Department was held at the Tarpon Bar April 27th. A final Island wave happened Friday afternoon, May 14th. For two decades Maria helped keep the Collier Inn, the Office, the Tarpon Bar, and Island homes clean and welcoming. She was mentored by good women when she began working here, and when it became her turn, she mentored other good people. Housekeeping will not be the same without her, and Useppa wishes her well.