Employee Christmas Party 2021 Part I

Thank You Useppa Employees Part I – Pictures and Thoughts by UseppaGin – The Annual Useppa Employee Christmas Party on December 1st celebrated all the men and women who make island life a year-round gift to members, homeowners, and visitors. Donations to the Employee Christmas Fund were distributed based on length of employment from years ago to one lady here on her first day. A thank you to all who contributed. Billy Gay who runs our Water Department was honored as Employee of the Year. Tim Fincher on staff in the Collier Inn was honored as the Employee of the Quarter. Special recognition by Management and Staff was also paid to CEO Tim Fitzsimmons, part of the Useppa family for 42 years.

Tree Lighting 2021

Useppa Tree Lighting, A New Tradition Begins – Thoughts by Cub Reporter Yardley Wiessen and Pictures by UseppaGin – We had a tree lighting party on Useppa, and we all made ornaments for the tree out of shells. Shelby Gatewood’s was probably my favorite because I loved her creativity in her work. There were also cookies, and personally, my favorite were the little sugar cookies! Shelby and Kay Chapin hosted the tree lighting. Ryan Conner lit the tree which he thought was very special!
That is all for today’s news!!

Thanksgiving 2021

Thanksgiving – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – Today was day of gratitude and thanksgiving for the gift of family, friends and Useppa. Dinner at the Collier was prepared and served by hardworking and caring men and women. There was time on the dock for families to go fishing, play volleyball on the beach, or spend hours by the pool. The Tarpon Bar and Joseffa Boutique were open. The Front Desk and Marina Captains helped in any way necessary. Serenity, fun, good friends, good food …generations together shared Thanksgiving on the island we all love.

Members Welcome Back 2021

Welcome Back – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – On Saturday, November 20th Useppa Island Club hosted its annual Members Welcome Back Party at the old Collier Inn. Old and new friends gathered in the Tarpon Bar, the Baron Collier Dining Room or out on the Patio. It was a relaxed and comfortable affair with delicious dishes to sample, cocktails to enjoy, and easy conversations among all the guests. A thank you to the Club and to its staff for a memorable evening.

November 2021

Island Fall…Mellow Serenity – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – Old friends reunited, an Island neighbor welcomed home after surgery, families together, boats in the Marina, peaceful morning walks…Fall on Useppa,a gentle time between seasons.

Halloween 2021

Halloween Island Time – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – It was a Halloween celebration island style, laid back and all inclusive. Almost everyone on Useppa was there, but our numbers are still small enough that it felt like family. Thank you to the Collier Staff and the Front Office for making it happen. Other pictures are of daylight Islanders and an early morning goodbye to Indomitable Donna off for some needed surgery.

Columbus Weekend 2021

Columbus Weekend and More, Island Style – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – It’s that soft sunset time of year between the fun of summer and a new season beginning. There is just the right amount of people – not too few, not too many. Each smile matters. Pictures show friendship and mischief. Island bees have a new home. The pool is redone. New faces join the Useppa family. New relationships begin. Old friends leave, but their spirits stay. Dragonflies, lizards, children, and grownups enjoy the island. It’s Fall on Useppa.

Fall Begins 2021

Island Fall Begins – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – Temperatures are still warm. Palm fronds stay green. Children play in the pool. Sunrises and sunsets are tapestry skies embroidered in color. It’s a quiet time between summer busyness and the return hustle and bustle of seasonal residents. Birds claim the docks. On foot, in the air, in a kayak, we are all part of the Island family.

Labor Day 2021

Useppa Labor Day Celebrations – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – Clusters of families and friends gathered on the island. Small groups and large celebrated the holiday, celebrated the spirit of Useppa. Relatives and friends in one family came together to commemorate a tradition going back thirty years, impromptu dinners by the water, children fishing the Izaak Walton Kids’ Tournament, and this year to say good-bye to its patriarch who died in April. Club Members boated over for a last summer Collier lunch and afternoon in the pool. Happy Hour brought old and new Islanders together. With safe distance between us, we had a weekend filled with old fashioned fun.

Labor Day Fishing Tournament 2021

Labor Day Kids Izaak Walton Fishing Tournament – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – Nine fishermen hooked Snappers, Flounders, Mango Snappers, and Pinfish. One fisherman also got hooked. The Most Heroic Trophy Winner had to go to the mainland and have it removed. Izaak Walton veteran Kyle Corey set the tone. He helped anyone needing help catch and release unharmed every fish (part of the Kids’ Fisherman’s Oath). He also joined Tournament alums who once fished as children and now helped their own kids. Judging by the smiles, parents had more fun than their little ones.