Useppa Sandpiper Regatta

Useppa’s Sandpiper Regatta
Day #1
Bocce, Gutter Boats & More
By Useppa Island Yacht Club Commodore Jim Doherty
How much FUN can you have at a Useppa Sandpiper Regatta?
As with all sailing events, wind plays a major role in how the daily schedule unfolds. The first day provided too much wind, and a “lay-day” of shore-based activities ensued. It started with a spirited and competitive Bocce ‘Tournament’ in the morning, followed by a ‘Gutter Boat’ Regatta with lots of hot air propelling hand crafted boats down water filled gutters. Between the day’s activities was a sumptuous lunch at Bill’s Grille on the sun filled beach.
The day was capped off with dinner at the Tarpon Bar where stories of the day’s conquests dominated the conversations. An extra treat was a continuous photo gallery by UseppaGin of the previous regatta two years earlier.
The FUN just keeps on coming.
Next …. the races