Cotton Club 2022

Useppa Cotton Club Music and Dancing – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – The tradition continues. Thanks to its generous supporters, Useppa’s version of New York City’s Cotton Club had fingers snapping and feet dancing at the Tarpon Bar. Wednesday, December 28th. The Moonstone Riders played music from all genres, and it was a night to remember. Useppa feels like the island we all love again.

Beach Christmas 2022

Beach Christmas on Useppa – Pictures and Thoughts by UseppaGin – Christmas was different on Useppa this year. More new spontaneous celebrations were held instead of the normal and familiar Island merriments. A tree was decorated on the beach, and everyone gathered for its lighting. Then on Christmas night we gathered below around a fire pit and longtime Useppan Bill Newbold led us in Christmas carols. It was sad not to have all our usual families and friends with us, but Useppa Christmas was still filled with love.

Employee Christmas 2022

Useppa Celebrates Its Employees, Part I – Pictures and Thoughts by UseppaGin – Just before Christmas in a family gathering at the Tarpon Bar, Useppa honored and thanked its employees. Some are working full time, some part time, and some are on furlough until the Island fully reopens. Each one in his or her way is a gift to Useppa. Pete Frazetta was named Employee of the 4th Quarter. He is here 24 hours a day ready and to help everyone. Landscaping Department members were named Employees of the Year. We could never have come this far in recovery without each of them. Thank you from Management, Membership, and Homeowners to all!

Employee Christmas Fund Reminder 2022

Merry Christmas and Thank You to Useppa Island Employees – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – Thank you to all the Useppa Employees helping Useppa recover from the devastation caused by Hurricane Ian. The Office, the Mailroom, and Reception building was destroyed. Working from the mainland online and in a makeshift office in the Tarpon Bar, the business of Useppa continues to operate. Landscaping and the Service Department juggle their jobs keeping the Island’s physical recovery on track. Housekeeping keeps cleaning and somehow the ladies keep smiling. The kitchen staff feeds workers on the dock, Island employees, and building contractors. It now also offers lunch and dinners to residents and guests. Hospitality behind the bar is back. The Marina may be gone, but the Captains are everywhere. The regular schedule of trips to and from the mainland is back. Each employee on Useppa is a gift. How lucky we are to have you in our Island family. It’s not too late. If you haven’t contributed yet or want to give more to the Useppa island Employee Christmas Fund….. Please contact Donald Beckstead at

Reopening 2022

A Soft Reopening – Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin – There was a Happy Hour in the Tarpon Bar for the first time since Hurricane Ian. Lunch was served over the weekend, and there was a dinner on Saturday night. Lunch will be served every day, Appetizers in the afternoon, and Dinner at night. Because we don’t have phone service, reservations must made by email to Reception Dock work continues. Island cleanup advances. Small steps forward but recovery will happen! Our hardworking employees and the contributions of residents make a difference every day. We are reclaiming Useppa.