The Castellanos’
August 3, 2020
Useppa's Doctor C is Gone - Thoughts and Pictures by UseppaGin - Ron Castellanos, Useppa’s Doctor C, died Saturday after a lengthy illness. He and his wife Cindy who died in April were long time Island residents and supporters. Ron drove his golf cart from one end of the island to the other with a wave and a smile for everyone while he made house calls, offering medical advice and friendship. His formal practice was in Cape Coral as a urologist, and his connections vast in the mainland medical community. He knew who to see whatever the problem and he made it happen for people on and off Useppa. Short on cash? No problem. Dr C accepted payment in fresh caught fish. Ron made each of us feel as though we were his best friend, and his heart was big enough to make that true. Useppa is a better place because of Ron. We will miss him and Cindy. Now it is our turn to take care of each other.