A United Island - Thoughts and pictures by UseppaGin - Useppa is a family of members, residents, and the men and women who work here. These pictures reflect their faces and spirits. Multi generations stay together hunkering down in their homes until the Coronavirus Pandemic ends. Husbands and wives don’t take this time together for granted. They treasure it. Folks alone see their neighbors on walks or when a homemade dinner is dropped off at the cottage door. Employees had to be let go, but not without knowing they mattered, not without knowing if there had been a way to keep them, it would have been done. Jobs have shifted. Instead of Front Desk or Kitchen, it is Housekeeping. Landscaping crews are hard at work. The Service Department is on the front line for needed repairs whether it be of the water system or a broken down golf cart. Residents enjoy Collier Inn take-outs and support the restaurant staff. Management juggles each day’s shifting demands. Island life is not taken for granted. We are all working together in the Useppa tradition. We can still smile even as we keep those six feet between us.