The Quiet Time of Year
October 3, 2018
The Quiet Time - Pictures and Words by UseppaGin - This is the peaceful time of year on Useppa. A few members and friends stop by for a visit, but mainland Islanders are getting back into their fall routines, and winter residents are enjoying their northern falls before heading south. There are only a few of us here to watch the season’s last rainbow-colored sunsets. Captain Dane is leaving us to follow a different path, and while good-byes are hard, Dane is off to new adventures leaving only good memories behind. New Captains Randy and Kevin are already part of the Useppa family. The Collier patio and pool will be closed for October for needed work and the Museum is still undergoing remodeling. The Collier Inn is open, and the Tarpon Bar at the Marina’s edge will have new hours beginning October 19th. Boxed lunches are available through the Joseffa Boutique. This time of year, it’s almost as though the ancient spirits have retaken the island and we are their guests.