2015 McMahon Regatta Awards

McMahon 2015 Regatta Awards Dinner
Story and photography by Useppa Gin
On Saturday night, March 14th awards were given at a dinner on the beach celebrating this year's winners in the Annual Useppa Island Yacht Club McMahon Regatta. Once a year Marshall Cats race each other for the Island Championship, bragging rights, and the privilege of carrying on a tradition in honor of UIC's first Commodore Jack McMahon.
The competition is real, but more importantly, so was the fellowship and good-natured humor. The weather was a bit windy for some, but those who finished, all who sailed, and those cheering from the shore had a great day. Purrfect 4U skippered by Bill Welch and Sherry Welch as crew won the event. Ed King in Coot with Jane Ridolphi as crew came in second. Third was Spirit UB with Paul Beisswenger at the helm and Dave Merrill crew. Fourth was Little 7Up captained by Ray George and Tony Colgan crew, and Fifth was Osprey U23, Captain Walt Corbin and crew Jim Doherty. Jack McMahon would be proud of all the sailors and those onshore preparing lunch and dinner, but he would be particularly proud of his wife Pat....she's quite a lady.