Izaak Walton Fishing Tournament
Boys + Girls + Fish = An Izaak Walton Kids Fishing Tournament
photo and story by Useppa Gin
Izaak Walton Kids Fishing Tournaments have long been a tradition on Useppa. Awards are given for 1st fish, Last fish, Ugliest fish, Most fish, etc. But the point isn't the award. It isn't the competition. Izaak Walton Kids Tournaments are held to introduce our youngest islanders to the fun of fishing. They teach the tradition of catching a fish, measuring it, and then setting it free, releasing it back into the water to watch it swim away.
Children who once fished the tournaments are now grownups helping new anglers learn how to put a shrimp on a hook, how to cast a line, and reel in the big one. Grandparents teach another generation of family fishermen. Moms and dads get as excited as their children when that first fish flops its way down the dock.
Join us next time with your own family, or just have fun watching. It's part of life on Useppa.